Friday, June 5, 2009

Completed All Prerequisites

I have just walked out of my Introduction to Biology 2 final. Earlier today I had my Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 final. By finishing these 2 courses, I have finished my prerequisites for pharmacy school. I have to wait for the professors to submit the grades and then I can get my official transcript, which will be sent off to PharmCAS (I will also post an image of my transcript once I receive a copy). Even though I’m a week or two away from submitting my transcript to PharmCAS, I’m starting to get really nervous about what my GPA will be. I have repeated some of the prerequisites and have heard horror stories about people’s GPA dropping on the application due to this. I guess we will find out my situation shortly.

As far as prerequisites go, most pharmacy schools will have the same basic ones. They will include your basic biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics courses. Below, I have made a ranked list of the basic prerequisites that I have found most appealing to my interests. Each pharmacy school will also have extra prerequisites that they require for their specific program. These courses can include General Psychology, Public Speaking, General Statistics, Macroeconomics or Microeconomics, Foreign Language, and World History. The school directory on PharmCAS ( gives you the complete list of prerequisites needed for each school that accepts the PharmCAS application. I suggest you take a look at that page right away to make sure you and your academic advisor are on the right track.

My ranked list of pharmacy school core prerequisites:
1. Organic Chemistry 2
2. Microbiology
3. Organic Chemistry 1
4. Human Anatomy and Physiology 2
5. Introduction to Biology 1
6. General Chemistry 1
7. General Chemistry 2
8. Human Anatomy and Physiology 1
9. Calculus 1
10. Fundamental Physics 2
11. Introduction to Biology 2
12. Fundamental Physics 1